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The Best Ways to Achieve 6-Pack Abs

6 Ways To Get Ripped 6-Pack Abs! | Bodybuilding.com

Whether you want to look good in a swimsuit or want to achieve your fitness goals, having a set of 6-pack abs is a dream of many people. Getting a sculpted six-pack requires a lot of hard work and dedication, but it doesn’t mean that you have to become a professional bodybuilder or hit the gym seven days a week to do so. Instead, all you have to do is make a few modifications to your lifestyle and diet and you will be able to see long-lasting results. Here are some of the simple yet best ways for achieving 6-pack abs:

  • Focus on cardio

Also known as aerobic exercise, cardio is any form of exercise that gets your heart pumping. If you regularly incorporate cardio into your routine, it will help you in burning extra fat and will also speed your progress in achieving the six-pack abs you want. According to studies, cardio is particularly effective in reducing belly fat, which makes your abdominal muscles more visible. It is recommended that you do at least 20 to 40 minutes of cardio every day. Some of the activities you can try include walking, running, swimming, biking or engaging in your favorite sports.

  • Do abdominal muscle exercises

The long muscle extending vertically along your abdomen is called the rectus abdominis. This muscle is well-known for creating the six-pack appearance and it is also essential for coughing, breathing and bowel movements. The transverse abdominis and the internal and external obliques are some of the other abdominal muscles.

As per Ido Fishman Fit, you need to exercise these muscles if you want to increase your muscle mass and get six-pack abs. But, it is also important to remember that you cannot decrease your belly fat just by exercising abdominal muscles. You need to pair these exercises with a healthy diet and also regular fat burning and cardio exercises. Some of the popular exercises you can try include plank, bridges and abdominal crunches.

  • Boost your protein intake

You can fight belly fat, increase weight loss and improve muscle growth when you up your protein intake and it takes you on the road to achieving six-pack abs. When you consume high protein meals, it will help in appetite control because it promotes the feeling of fullness. If you have protein after working out, it can also help in repairing and rebuilding muscle tissue and also speed up the muscle recovery process. Dairy products, seafood, eggs, poultry, meat, seeds, nuts and legumes are some examples of high-protein food that can be added to your diet.

  • Give high-intensity interval training a try

HIIT or high-intensity interval training is a kind of exercise that involves doing intense activity workouts and then taking short recovery breaks. HIIT keeps your fat burning because it keeps your heart rate up. When you add HIIT into your routine, it will increase your weight loss and make it easier to get six-pack abs. Professional trainers at Ido Fishman Fit will guide you on how to incorporate HIIT in your workout routine. If you are doing it at home, you can simply switch between sprinting for 20 to 30 seconds and walking. You can also try switching between high-intensity exercises like mountain climbers, jumping jacks and burpees and take a short break in between.

  • Keep yourself hydrated

In almost every aspect of your health, water plays a very important role, whether it is temperature regulation or waste removal. If you are well-hydrated, it can also boost your metabolism, burn the excess belly fat and make it easier for you to get the six-pack abs you are after. Apart from that, drinking water can also help in increasing weight loss and reducing your appetite. The water requirements depend on a number of factors, such as body weight, age and activity level. However, it is recommended that you drink at least 1 to 2 liters of water every day to stay well-hydrated.

  • Don’t eat processed foods

Heavily processed foods like crackers, cookies and chips are usually high in carbs, fat, calories and sodium. They are also low in vital nutrients like protein, fiber, minerals and vitamins. When you nix these unhealthy junk foods from your diet and swap them for healthy foods, it can boost the weight loss process.

About Dianne Trujillo

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