- Sports

How To Maintain Your Junior Goalkeeper Gloves

There is no denying it, Junior Goalkeeper Gloves can be very expensive. Particularly if you have to replace your child’s gloves numerous times each year. The truth is, gloves don’t last forever. Whether a child grows out of them or simply wears them out, you’ll soon have to replace them.

In a season, a goalkeeper replaces their gloves more than five times. Variables such as playing volume and care routine can double or triple that number.

Growing spurts and how much your child plays are things you cannot control. It is possible to extend the life of your Junior Goalkeeper Gloves by taking care of them properly.

A Few Tips For Glove Care

The gloves of your child will dry out if they are not cared for, will grip less, and may tear. The gloves you use for games should be washed regularly, before and after each game.

For the best performance from your Junior Goalkeeper Gloves, here are a few additional care tips:

  • The Gloves Need To Be Pre-Washed

Your brand-new Junior goalkeeper gloves need to be washed right away. Follow the washing instructions carefully and air dry them – never tumble dry them. A preservative is added to gloves to keep them fresh, but once you purchase the gloves, the preservative is no longer required. So when you wash them, the sink water should turn yellow. By doing that, you know you’ve removed the preservatives.

Using rolled-up newspaper inside your gloves will keep them open and allow excess moisture to escape. Directly pressing the towel against the water will also help absorb it. Before letting them dry naturally, take care not to wring them out.

  • Grip And Durability At Their Best

When it comes to the latex grip and durability in the palm portion of your gloves, what are you doing to achieve the best results? The palms should be moistened with water. It’s true.

  • Deodorise And Wash Goalkeeper Accessories After A Game

Please follow the instructions again when washing your gloves after games. If you wish to extend the life of your gloves, you can use Goalkeeper essentials.

Stanno Glove Cleaner, for example, can be used to clean the latex portion of your gloves. In addition to enhancing durability and grip, this method does not replace regular washing.

Another good alternative is Goalkeeper Wash and Prepare, which extends the glove’s lifespan and enhances its performance. Additionally, the solution cleans the integral parts of the glove as well as improves the latex surface.

Deodorising and keeping gloves dry and odour-free are also made easier with Goalkeeper Accessories. It is just a matter of remembering to wash your gloves before storing them.

Looking for the perfect pair of Junior Goalkeeper Gloves? Would you like to see some options for Goalkeeping equipment? Just Keepers offers a variety of services, which can be found here.


About Dyan Walker

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