- Horse Racing

What is the Most Important Safety Gear for a Horse Rider?

The sport of horse riding is beautiful. Being one with the horse is an experience that everyone in love with these animals should experience. Riding on their back and solving problems and obstacles together, taking care of each other is all wonderful. Read more about this sport on this link.

At the same time, it’s worth knowing that not every ride will be smooth sailing. Sometimes the horse is going to be upset by something, and it might disobey an order. That’s when the rider may fall off their back and hurt themselves.

Wearing safety equipment is a must because of this issue. If you love this sport, then you must equip yourself fully with the necessary riding equipment. In this article, we’re sharing the most important gear for this sport and explain why you need it. Follow up if you want to know more about it.


Probably the crucial part of all gear is the helmet. Unlike anything else that you’re going to wear while riding, the helmet is part of the equipment that you must not go without. Why? Because you can forget anything and wear no protection at all, but you must secure your head at all times.

The helmet is going to protect your head from eventual falls. When you fall on the ground, or the horse hits you with its legs, you may break every bone in your body, and you’ll still most probably survive. On the other hand, if the impact happens on your head, then the chances to survive are much lower.

That’s why your head must be perfectly protected with a specialized helmet that you’ll wear at all times. Make sure it is SEI-certified and made to perfectly protect you. The inside must be filled with foam, and the plastic must be durable so it can withhold even the hardest hits.

Having a great helmet means that you’ll be safe in all situations. If you’re not wearing one, then going on the ground on your head might result in internal brain bleeding or severe cuts in the skull that will be fatal. The helmet will protect you in more than 90% of the cases, so it’s highly recommended to have it on you.

Boots and jodhpurs

The boots and jodhpurs are essential for everyone that want total control over the situation. You probably know that horses have a stirrup which is not easily controllable unless you have the proper equipment. Part of this proper equipment is the boots.

On the market, you’re going to find all kinds of these items. You want to get the top boots and jodhpur boots because poorly made ones will not provide the total control you’re aiming at. Unlike before, today manufacturers often make these items look cool rather than provide the perfectly needed protection and control.

This is the reason why you need to get only the best. At the same time, you need to know what style you’re going to ride, and depending on it, you should look for the appropriate ones. If you’re riding English style, you need paddocks, but if you’re going western, then cowboy boots are going to be the best option.

Body protector

As we mentioned in the helmet part – riding often means falling off the horse. There are so many unpredictable situations, that you can never know what’s going to happen next. Along with the helmet, one highly valuable item is the body protector.

This is a specific safety item that is made for those who enjoy this kind of sport. It looks like a vest, but shouldn’t be confused with the inflatable air vest. Instead, this is a harsh made material that might feel uncomfortable for some, but at the same time, it’s going to make a huge difference in safety.

It is often made of highly durable materials as the helmet. They are made to protect your torso from impact and breaking the bones in it. With this vest, your lungs and heart are protected, and you can be sure that your ribs are not going to suffer a devastating impact to suffer serious injuries.

Inflatable Air Vest

Unlike the previous, there’s the inflatable air vest. This is part of the new and advanced technologies that now come in help for those enjoying the horse riding sport. These vests work on the same system as the airbags in our vehicles do.

Using special technology, the vest is going to be activated the very second you go off the horse and are far enough from the saddle. It will immediately become filled with air and protect you while you’re falling. Most people choose between this and the body protector, as both are going to be too much for any rider.

ID bracelet

The ID bracelet is used for medical purposes and in case you fall off the horse and be left unconscious. The bracelet is going to have all the critical information that the doctors might need. Information of your blood type, address, a contact of people that should be called in case of an emergency, and similar.

When an accident happens, there’s often not enough time to look for relatives or friends, and instant action is required. Seconds may be enough to overturn the situation and get you being safe to dead. That’s why the bracelet is there to show vital information and help doctors save your life. See more about how these bracelets can save your life here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Medical_identification_tag


This is a list of some of the most valuable safety gear that you need when you’re going horse riding. Although this is a safe sport, being prepared is never enough. Getting some of the gear we talked about is mandatory because you can never predict the future.

The helmet, boots, and something to protect your torso is simply a must. They can make a true difference between suffering serious injuries and getting out of an accident with a scratch.

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