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SWTOR Game: Be The Part Of Star Wars Universe

 Even if you are not fond of gaming, you must have heard about Star Wars. The famous movie franchise Star Wars is known to all of us. For those who have watched the movies have loved it. But in this article, we are going to talk about the SWTOR game (Star Wars: The Old Republic).

SWTOR is one of the biggest online multiplayer role-playing game that is based in the Star Wars universe. The game is developed by BioWare Austin along with a supplemental team BioWare Edmonton. Released in the year 2011, the game won the hearts of many. One of the most important things in the game is SWTOR credits. You can use credits to pay a lot of repair costs in the game.

Things To Know About The Game

If you haven’t played the game yet, then you are missing out on great things. Here are a few things you should know if you consider playing the game in the future.

  1. The choices you make during the character creation process can be changed or edited later. You can do so via the design center.
  2. There are four basic classes for the empire and four for the republic. Each of these classes has a different story for you to explore for free. All the basic classes have 2 advanced classes available. You are required to select your advanced class right at the beginning of the game and you should know that your choice is permanent.
  3. You are two different in-game currencies available that you will use all the time. This includes credit and cartel coins. The other currencies are available in the endgame. The endgame currencies are used to gear up your characters with the endgame gear.
  4. The most important thing in the game is to level up your characters which can be done in various ways. There are three main ways you can use including class story missions, heroics and flashpoints, and warzones.

SWTOR game is one of the best multiplayer games you will find out there. if you are a fan of Star Wars, you must try out this game once.


About Jerome Phillips

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