- Golf

Four tips for planning the ultimate golfing getaway 

Several years ago, a golfing getaway might not have been accessible to everybody. In some ways, it’s still not, but there’s no doubt that it’s opened up much more over recent times. It means that it’s almost become a common type of holiday. At the same time, it’s not a typical break, and a few extra considerations tend to enter the picture. 

This is the reason behind today’s article. We have listed four tips that you need to tap into if you are serious about you and your group getting the absolute most from your golfing getaway. 

It’s not just about the golf  

Considering the overall topic of this post, this first point might sound absolutely ridiculous. However, give us time. Put simply; a golfing getaway isn’t just about the golf. You might be the biggest golfing enthusiast in the world, but you won’t be playing 72 holes per day. It’s just not possible. 

Instead, you’ll need other ways to fill your time. This is why resorts which include other activities, like Woodhall Spa Golf Breaks, prove to be so popular. As well as the golf-factor, there are all sorts of other activities on-site, whether it is a restaurant or spa. If you can choose an area which is close to major cities or landmarks, your golfing trip will be made all the better as well. 

The more, the merrier  

With this next point, we’re referring to the sheer number of people who will be coming on your trip. Put simply, if you are trying to stay on top of the finances, the more people that come, the better. A lot (although not all) courses will offer bulk discounts, meaning that the more of you that go, the cheaper the cost per person. 

Keep on top of your timings  

In golf, timing matters. No, this time we’re not talking about the impact of timing in your swing, but more the time in which you are going to head on your golfing getaway of choice. Like anything related to the travel industry, there are peak seasons and off-peak seasons. The latter tends to be around the warmer months, while winter tends to see lower prices. 

Of course, we’re by no means suggesting that you should go in winter to keep your costs down. Instead, try and be creative with your dates. Try and get the tail-end of the winter season, so you still pay the lower rates but with decent weather. 

Remember the physicalities 

Finally, let’s spare a thought for the physicalities of golf. As anyone who plays the sport will testify, it’s not always easy on your body. Then, when you potentially take to a hot country, this physical stress can become intolerable for some. 

As such, always keep this in mind. Not all golf courses are created equal, and some can stretch potentially a couple of thousand miles longer than yours at home. Once you factor in hills and other issues, you might start to question your choice of course on your golfing holiday, or turn to the easier route of hiring a buggy. With the latter, you will, of course, have to budget for this though. 

About Dianne Trujillo

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