- Golf

Essential Items To Take When Golfing

There are some essential items you should bring with you while playing golf, including of course your golf umbrella, although what to bring depends to a large extent on how seriously you play the game. You’ll need golf clubs, and for most of us, a half set of clubs is enough, consisting of the odd numbered irons, a couple of drivers, a wedge or two and a putter. Plenty of balls and spare tees are also a must; you don’t want to have to ask your playing partner for a golf ball, and it’s all too easy to go through tees when playing. Ball markers are considered essential by many golfers, as well as one of those tools for repairing divots and ball marks.

There are plenty of golf umbrellas on the market, as well as various waterproof golf clothing, and both are essential unless you play golf where rain is typically never a problem. Another essential for many people is one of those extendable ball retrievers; they can be used not only to get your ball out of a water hazard, but to retrieve it from nettles, bushes and other nasty stuff. Again, depending on how seriously you play the game, a scorecard – paper or electronic – is a must for many golfers, along with a pencil or two.

Although often overlooked, don’t forget your sunscreen and a few towels; the one you use for your face and hands shouldn’t be the same one you use to wipe your clubs. A pair of golfing gloves are also one of those essential items you should bring while playing golf, and again, a spare pair is always a good idea. A spare pair of socks is important too; you don’t want to be playing the back nine in wet and smelly socks after arguing with a water hazard.

Some other essentials include snacks, such as energy bars, along with a water bottle or two. It can often be quite a walk from the furthest hole on the course back to the clubhouse. You may want to take a basic first aid kit with you when playing golf, including a few band aids, aspirin, and any medication or inhalers you might need. Sunglasses are considered a necessity by many golfers, as we all know how difficult it can often be to follow the path of that little white ball.

A distance finder is one of those gadgets that some golfers don’t like, and some won’t head for the course without. There are a variety of these on the market, ranging in price and offering different features and benefits, although they all perform essentially the same task. Look for one that’s lightweight yet durable, easy to use and if possible, clips or attaches easily to your golf bag. A golf distance finder may not actually improve your swing, but it can definitely knock a few strokes off your score and make it a lot easier to always choose the correct club.

About Dyan Walker

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