- Sports

An introduction into a sport called as Pickleball

You may or may not have heard of a sport called Pickleball. But after you read this article all your questions and information you are seeking about Pickleball sport will be answered.

The fact about Pickleball is that; this sport has been around for ages now. The sport is growing tremendously in several countries. The popularity of Pickleball sport is associated with the health benefits that one can gain from playing it.

What is Pickleball?

To put it in simple terms a Pickleball is a miniature version of tennis. Pickleball is very similar to paddle tennis apart from tennis sport. The Pickleball sport is played with an oversized paddle and a large Wiffle balls. Pickleball is great fun, often played among family members are friends. Pickleball sport is usually and commonly played on a court similar to that of badminton.

How did the sport Pickleball originate?

Pickleball was started in the year 1965 when few kids decided to play badminton without its equipment. Necessity is the mother of invention, this statement holds for the birth of Pickleball. Pickleball sport was discovered by a bunch of kids who were bored and wanted to play badminton without the required equipment. Pickleball can also be called an improvised version of badminton, which is quite fun and energizing to play.

How to play a Pickleball?

Pickleball is a sport which is similar to any other racket sport like tennis and badminton. The sport is played with 4 players, two on each team or with just two players. The goal of the sport is to hit the ball over the net. Pickleball is played on a tennis court that is in the size of badminton. The sport is started with a serve.

Serves are to be made diagonally beginning from right-hand side. The server side gets alternated after each serve. The service to be considered as valid must cross the seven-foot non-volley portion in front of the net and land diagonally in the opposite side of the court.

The word volley means to hit the ball in the air without allowing it to bounce.

Once the ball reaches the opposite side on the court, the opponents hit it. The ball can be hit only after in bounce once on your side. Pickleball is a great sport that can be played by everyone. Usually one can find people playing Pickleball in parks, recreation areas, tennis courts etc.

The team that scores the highest agreed points wins the match. Pickleball is a great family sport that brings together people of different age groups. Pickleball is a racket sport that is easy to understand and play on any given occasion. The sport doesn’t cost much; all you need to play Pickleball is a net, the Custom Pickleball Paddles and Wiffle ball. Indeed, Pickleball is not immune to injuries, accidents do happen. But playing Pickleball is a great exercise and physical activity for your body. However, before playing Pickleball stretch your body to ensure it is ready for the physical activity.


Pickleball is yet another great outdoor sport to keep yourself and your children engaged. It is awesome sport that people of all age groups can enjoy. The sport offers both fun for the family and physical exercise needed to keep your body in shape.

About Dyan Walker

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