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A new Featherweight champion amidst us

The onefc mma games are a big deal, there are many competitors, and there are over 2.6 billion tuning in across the world for these fights. In some of them these competitors are making history, there is so much onefc mma news that is going on. One of the biggest things that have people talking is about Petchmorakot and his victory against the historic world title. Now for those who have no idea what this is about let me explain.

Who is Petchmorakot?

He is a guy you was raised in Thailand, he was from a very poor family and had to scavenge for food. Due to this he was determined to change his fate, so he began training in the art of Muay Thai when he was nine years old. And just a few weeks after he won his first bout, later on he went on to beating everyone in the country. Then he wanted to do it professionally and moved to Bangkok. He claimed 2 championships in two divisions and the WMC Muay Thai world title. Now just at 25 years old he has already got the Featherweight Muay Thai World Championship.

How did he win?

He had been training his whole life for this, and he made sure that he was going to win, he did his absolute best, and shows that he was confident in the first round, he was able to pick up shots, even though he couldn’t put his opponent down he had clean shots which became an advantage to him. He became more aggressive and used all his power and what he called the art of “the 8 limbs” this led to his win. Even though he had two months of rigorous training the thing that made him win was his determination. He was determined and wasn’t going to give up without a fight, and he succeeded.

Where can you read about this?

Online is a great place to read it, if you search up onefc mma news you are bound to see an article about him and his victory. One the onefc site there is even a video, so if you missed it you can watch it on there anytime you want to. It is rare that these will be printed in papers, so it’s better to go with this site, they have all the details.

About Dyan Walker

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