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10 Mistakes to Avoid in Your First Game of Rummy

If you are new to rummy, then you may make a few mistakes in the first game. However, there is no worry. Every newbie is bound to make errors until they become an expert player. In the below-provided post, we have talked about the mistakes that a new player usually makes when playing rummy, and how to avoid making these errors.

  • Avoiding a Pure Sequence

A pure sequence is necessary in a rummy game for a win. Thus, your focus must be to make one as soon as the game begins. A natural run or pure sequence is a combination of three or four consecutive cards of the same suit. An example is: 2, 3, and 4 of Club. Keeping off a natural run for later can be risky. As many players compete together on a table, anyone declare the first. If you have a pure sequence, then associated points with the cards of a natural run will not be counted. So, even if you lose, you save on adding up points.

  • Prioritize Forming a Set

An online rummy session is usually a timed one. As understood, it is essential to make a pure sequence and then move on to other combinations. So, if you think of forming an impure sequence or set first, it may hamper your chances for a win. While this is just a possibility, and you can still make a set initially, it is best to form a natural run at the earliest. If you do make a set or impure sequence, ensure that the cards cost low points. Try and avoid high point card like King, Queen, or Jack.

  • Give No Importance to the Open Deck

The open deck is the section where players discard cards. These cards are visible to everyone on the table. One of the unspoken rummy rules is that you must observe the discarded cards. These provide an idea about the cards the opponents require or not. So, avoiding noticing the discard pile is a mistake that you must avoid. New players may take a few games to realize this fact, before rectifying this error.

  • Discard a Random Card

When playing card games for the first time, people are not aware of every rule or strategy to use. It is possible for a rummy player to discard cards at a random. The player may not understand that certain cards should be held. A card can be retained due to its possibility of forming a sequence or set. It can also be retained as the opposite player may probably need it. This is why you must analyze your hand and the cards discarded by the other players, before deciding which card to give away.

  • Throw a Card the Opposite Player Needs

Like we discussed, a card is also retained in hand due to the possibility of the opposite player needing it. So, you must not give a card that will help the opponent to form a sequence or set. For this purpose, you must observe and remember every move the opponent makes. To get a hang of reading the hand of the opponent, you can play free rummy games and become a pro at this strategy. Grow your observation skills and you will understand exactly which card to not throw.

  • Miss Your Turn to Play

Most of the gaming platforms such as Khelplay Rummy drop a player out of the game if he/she misses 2 to 3 consecutive turns. This may cost you points and eliminate your chances for a win. As a new player, it may take time for you to analyze cards and make a move. By playing more and more games, you will get better at playing the moves quickly. So, take your time to make a move. But do not exceed the allotted time in which you have to play your turn.

  • Underestimate Your Opponent

You couldbe a new player, but your opponent might not be one. So, never underestimate the game-play skills of your rival. He/she may be a pro at the game and know all the tricks for a win. One of the ways you can practice more and get better at the play s to make a rummy game download on your mobile phone or computer system. Then you will be able to play more number of practice games. This will also help to improve your skills of understanding what the opposite player has in his/her mind.

  • Fall Into the Bait of a Rival

When playing cards, it is crucial to understand the tactics the opponents use. This will help in keeping away from their baits. Sometimes the opponent may trick you into discarding a card he/she needs. This is usually done by discarding a close card to the one they need. For instance, the opposite player can throw a 5 of Diamond and wait for a 6 of Diamond from you. He/she may ntend to make a sequence: 6, 7, and 8 of Diamond.

  • Try Out Tourneys and Cash Games

If you are a new player, then you must not right away play a real cash rummy game. It is better to play the free and practice games initially. This will allow you to develop your skills needed to survive in the game. It will also help you acquaint with the rules and tactics of the game, required for a win. After you become a pro player, you can definitely try out tournaments and cash games.

  • Make a Wrong Declare

There are rules as to what a valid declare in rummy is. So, if you do not adhere to that rule, but make a wrong declare, you will not win the game. Moreover, you may lose points. The next best player may be then declared as a winner. So get to know the rules of making a valid declare before announcing that you are done with the game.

To Conclude

As a new player who does not have much experience playing rummy, there are a few things to look out for when facing your opponents. In the above-given post we have discussed the mistakes you must avoid when playing the card games. So, keep a watch out for these situations and make the best out of your play time.

About Michael Moore

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