- Golf

The 3 Most Common Bad Golf Shots

When you are practicing drills from an expert like Bobby Walia Golf, you still need to know how to avoid some of the worst golf shots that people can make. You must take responsibility for your golf game, and you might have even made these mistakes in the past because you did not have any drills to practice. There are several different golf shots listed here that will be shocking when you make them. At the same time, you also need to remember that you can make these shots if you are not actually thinking about the shot carefully. That is why you need to spend a little more time over the ball and remember the drills you have learned.

  1. The Dead Drive

Most people who are golf novices are going to hit the dead drive that has almost no lift at all. That means that the ball is going to fly a few yards without actually getting too far off the ground. You will make no progress at all, and it will look humiliating when you are taking that shot. What’s worse is that you need to take more shots like that just to make progress on the fairway. You do not want to keep taking those shots. You should work with an online golf expert to learn how you can get under the ball and produce the lift that you see from PGA Tour pros.

  1. The Non-Starter Wedge Chip

When you want to chip out of a sandtrap, you need to make sure that you actually hit the ball. A lot of people know that they need to get just under the ball to get some lift. However, the sand can make it hard to see. There is a lot of sand, and you might hit sand without hitting the ball. Ask a golf expert if they can help you learn how to track the ball without losing sight of the hole. You might be so focused on the hole that you miss the shot. This is where an expert can show you a few drills that you can use to track the ball.

  1. The Tree Shot

When you run your ball off the course, you need to take the drop and the extra stroke to get away from trees. You will be in a much worse position if you hit a shot that slams into a tree and shoots back towards the green. If nothing else, it looks bad. You also do not want to hit the tree with the club because it hurts you and the club. Talk to a golfing expert online about the rules of the game, how to use those rules to “take a drop”, and how to avoid the trees in the future.

You can start playing golf well today, and you will start to enjoy the journey because you can play with a bit of skill that you learned while taking lessons online.


About Dyan Walker

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