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Surprising Benefits of Kayaking

What do you think of when someone mentions the word “kayaking”? This article will explore how kayaking can not only be a fun and rewarding activity but it also has many surprising benefits. I hope to convince you that this is an activity worth trying. So, without further ado, let us begin! 

1. It provides a great workout

If you’re looking for a way to get in shape, kayaking is the perfect option. Because of the constant moving of paddling and shifting body weight, it can be considered a full-body exercise. If done correctly, kayaking will strengthen your back, arms, buttocks, thighs, and legs.

2. You will gain a whole new perspective of nature

Kayaking presents an exquisite view from below the waterline. Many of us take for granted how beautiful our planet is. A unique way to see our natural beauty is by kayaking! All you need to do is rent or buy a kayak and head out onto your local body of water. 

3. It’s perfect for large groups

Kayaking can be done with friends, family members, and even co-workers! A great activity that everyone can enjoy together! Whether it be a weekend trip or a weekday paddle, everyone can join in on the fun! 

4. You will make a ton of memories

What better way to bond than by spending some time on the water? Whether it be paddling around lakes, rivers, oceans, or ponds, you are bound to have a good time! I would also like to mention that kayaking is an excellent way to relieve stress. If life has been getting too hectic for you lately maybe it’s time to enjoy some “me” time out on the water!

5. It can build confidence

Kayaking is not only fun but also safe (if done correctly). With patience and practice, kayaking will become easier. As many people get more comfortable with their paddles and watersports, they experience feelings of increased self-confidence and overall happiness. Kayaking is truly an amazing activity; one that everyone should try at least once. 

6. Kayaking can be enjoyed at any age

Kayaking is an activity that can be enjoyed by people of all ages. No prior experience or physical fitness level is needed. Once again, if done correctly this activity can have many benefits! 

7. There are tons of kayaking opportunities

Trying to find a place to kayak can turn into quite the search. Luckily for us, there are many different places that you can rent or buy equipment at. You also have access to many local rivers, lakes, ponds, and oceans. 

8. Kayaking helps develop strong friendships

Combining new experiences with friends creates memories that will last a lifetime! Many of my closest friends I met while kayaking down the New River Gorge in West Virginia. The great thing about this activity is it’s perfect for any age group (it was my mom’s idea). This is an experience that everyone should try; you will not regret it! 

9. Kayaking is suitable for any physical condition

Kayaking can truly benefit almost anyone. There is no need for extensive training or top physical shape. If kayaked correctly, this activity truly has endless benefits… 

10. It can be done by yourself or with others

If you prefer to go alone, kayaking is the way to go. You have complete control of where you want to explore and enjoy time to yourself without distraction! On the other hand, if you’d prefer not to go it alone kayaking with friends or family members makes for creating memories that will last a lifetime! 

11. Kayaks are easy-to-transport

Kayaks are extremely easy to transport anywhere you want to go! If you live in a place where there is a large body of water nearby, it would be the perfect opportunity to show your friends and family members what kayaking is all about! 

12. You can easily create social opportunities

Kayaking is an excellent way to meet new people. All you have to do is head down your local river, lake, ocean…etc with some friends and chances are good that you will make a few new acquaintances on the trip! With this being said, don’t be surprised if someone wants to join in on the fun next time around! 


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