People who want to learn to play basketball in basketball camp must consider many characteristics related to the rules and situations that arise during the game.
Depending on the level at which the game will be played, the degree of preparation is determined. The main nuances relate specifically to the ball. To learn to play the European basketball, you need to learn basic rules.
Having briefly studied the basic rules, benefiting from basketball opportunities and making the first successes in the field, it will be possible to proceed with the grinding of the equipment. First, dribbling techniques and contact with a player from another team are studied. In the beginning, it is worth highlighting five main components for European basketball training. If you master these points, this is enough for a beginner to play. Beside knowing the basic rules and further learning, there are also many learning and practicing basketball opportunities in professional basketball camp at Europe Basketball Academy.
Basketball rules for beginners:
Throw the ball and hit the basket – The ability to hit the ball in the basket must be improved in different positions on the field. You need to be able to enter the basket from different distances.
One point counts with a direct hit and a rebound of the shield. It is important to be able to throw the ball in a basket and in motion. click here for more sports blogs
There are situations where you have to make a free throw, and that requires precision and certain skills.
Kick the ball – It should be remembered that moving the ball around the court is limited: you can only take two steps with two strokes on the floor.
Sports equipment cannot be operated with both hands. Running is prohibited. This is an important violation.
It is important that the rejection of sports equipment from the floor does not exceed the height of the player and it is best if that height matches the position of the hand.
You must strive to lead the ball without paying direct attention to it – the follow-up is done from the side view.
It is worth considering that there is a “30 second rule”.
During this time, the player who owns the ball must make a move in the basket.
Passing and receiving the ball – The basic principle of a basketball game is to skillfully and quickly pass the ball to a player who is closest to the opponent’s ring.
In this case, the player himself must, within a short time, change the location in order to open the pass.
All movements must be done quickly and efficiently. Sports equipment is not with the palm of your hand, but with your fingertips.
Matching the ball after the rebound – During the game, the ball generally does not hit the basket immediately, so the stock is returned.
At this point, you must quickly catch the ball and continue the game.
This is important to take into account, as in the case of an unsuccessful launch, the game does not stop, but continues.
Selection ability is a characteristic of the player and the team.
Time without ball – In the hands of each influencers, the ball is only a few seconds.
The rest of the time, each team member must carry out an attack on an opponent, open to receive a pass, move around the court and take the most advantageous position.